This image represents Mother Earth. In this weeks reading of Warren’s Introduction to EcoFeminism by Karen Warren, she explains how women are related to nature. By calling the earth Mother Earth, and Mother Nature, we have learned to associate the earth in a feminine aspect. As such, there can be a connection to women in the natural sense.
In this picture you can see that there is a female rising from the earth with her nurturing arms around not only the humans but also the land and plant life. This reinforces the idea that women are thought to be nurturing. So when capitalism takes over and our lands are raped of resources, that action can be linked to the subjugation of women as it relates to nature. Hobgood puts in very eloquently in her essay when she says “Oppression of the natural world and of women by patriarchal power structures must be examined together or neither can be confronted fully”.
Warren made eight connections between women and nature in her essay. The connection that I feel explains how I interpret eco feminism the best is her explanation on symbolic connections. Like I mentioned above, symbolically we refer to nature in a feminine way. We also refer to using resources from nature in feminine terms. Terms such as “conquering” or “tilling virgin soil” insinuates control and domination. Warren goes on to share how women are often referred to in animal terms. These include names like; chicks, foxes, hens, cows, bitches and beavers to name just a few. Men often use these kinds of terms when referring to women. Especially when those women are either in power positions professionally, or when a man feels disrespected by his unwanted advances.
What the heck is Ecofeminism anyway?
In 1974, a French feminist Françoise d’Eaubonne published a book Le féminisme ou la mort, (Feminism or Death)where she coined the term “eco feminism”. She brought to the surface the connection between women and the environment. “Citing toxic masculinity as the cause of population growth, pollution, and other destructive influences on the environment” (Divinity). This is a good example of one of the beliefs of EcoFeminism. However as evidenced in the many forms of feminism, it is interpreted differently by everyone. As Hobgood wrote in her essay; “as ecofeminism continues to shift and grow, different positions will surely form and surface, while other positions and alliances will fade away or be replaced by more urgent connections”. Because feminist theory is varied in its beliefs, we cannot say that EcoFeminism theory is based on one united belief. However, the basis of EcoFeminism as I understand it is continued awareness of how we can preserve nature and it’s resources. By learning more about global warming and the devastation it is causing on our health, we can start making more informed choices.
I tend to lean toward the connection of women and ecology in the sense that women do need a nutrient rich earth to be able to produce healthy humans, for the basis of furthering the population. If we continue to invade green space and allow deforestation in the name of capitalism and corporate greed, the human race will suffer. The women of the global south are most at risk as they are exposed to toxins that other areas of the world are not. In researching more on the topic of EcoFeminism, I came across several very interesting essays. On, in an essay written by Alison Parker, she writes; “Environmental destruction is a form of violent oppression, and many forms of life share this similar kind of experience. Ecofeminism focuses mainly on likening the oppression of nature to the oppression of women” (Parker). Patriarchy and capitalism is a domination of nature. Since the industrial revolution nature has been used and abused by capitalists and as a result we are feeling the various ways our globe has been affected.
In closing, Eco feminist theory is probably more relevant today than in previous years. Women’s rights and climate change are a focus of many countries across the globe. Eco feminist theory is an important world topic these days especially with the election of “Donald Trump, who has eliminated the EPA’s Clean Water Rule, has put into effect plans to weaken smog standards and reject the Clean Power Plan, has called climate change a hoax, and has withdrawn from the Paris Agreement”. (Divinity) His actions are a direct attack on our environment. Proving further that capitalism is working against climate protection. We must find ways to preserve nature. “Oppression of the natural world and of women by patriarchal power structures must be examined together or neither can be confronted fully”. (Hobgood)
Ecofeminist theory is one way to bring awareness to issues like, the protection of women and humans, the preservation of species, as well as race, and of course environmental issues.
Ecofeminism: Historic and International Evolution. Laura Hobgood-Oster, Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas.
Ecofeminism: what is this movement that links women’s rights and ecology?
Fertile Ground: Intro to Ecofeminist Thought by Alison Parker
Understanding Ecofeminist Activism In The Face Of Global Climate Change By Dakota Divinity
Warrens introduction to Ecofeminism, by Karen J. Warren.