Intersectionality and Ecofeminism

Ecofeminism intersectionality

Kimberlé Crenshaw

Intersectionality is a term coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989. Crenshaw wanted to draw attention to how underrepresented black women were in the feminism movement. She felt it was important that we understand that not all women are united under the cause of feminism. Click on the photo of Crenshaw for her Ted Talk on Intersectionality.

An example of intersectionality is; What oppresses me, as a white woman living in California is very different than what oppresses a black woman living in the south. Intersectionality is a term that is used to explain the web of various ways in which a person is oppressed in society. Audre Lorde is another black feminist who criticized the women’s movement for ignoring social categories and promoting a sisterhood that doesn’t exist. It’s not fair to unite women of the world to fight for equality when not all forms of oppression are considered.

Eco feminists claim to have used intersectionality long before Crenshaw coined the term. “Ecofeminism is an area of study concerned with understanding the interconnectedness between the domination of women and the domination of nature.”(Kings 70) “Ecofeminist intersectionality recognizes that women are likely to be amongst those most affected by environmental degradation, with those at the margins of society often experiencing these effects to the harshest degree.” (Kings 71) Women of color face a harsher reality in the global south than do women in the north, they are most affected by environmental degradation. In the writings of animal activist and feminist Carol J. Adams, we learned about intersectionality through an ecofeminist lens. Adams wants us to understand that non-human animals and humans are interconnected. By bringing into focus the connection between nature and meat Adams connects the subjugation of women and animals in connection with nature. This explanation of intersectionality doesn’t cover all areas of life only that of women, nature, and animals. It fails to cover all other areas. I don’t feel as though Ecofeminism adequately covers intersectionality. “Although it is certainly true that ecofeminism did often engage with intersectional approaches, it did not adopt intersectionality as the conceptual tool we currently understand it to be” (Kings72).

Click photo for video

It’s important to understand that everyone has different experiences. We all see ourselves differently. As social scientist Charles Cooley wrote in his book The Looking Glass Self, “How one’s racial identity is experienced will be mediated by other dimensions of one’s self; male or female, young or old, wealthy, middle-class, or poor, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or heterosexual, able bodied or with disabilities.” (Tatum 1) We are what we think others think we are. This is the concept by Cooley in which we learn about who we are through the eyes of others. If this is the case, then we will all have very different views of ourselves. Therefore, all of our experiences will be different and we cannot simply fit into one category. “A spider’s web preserves the necessary complexity of intersectionality and the potential ‘stickiness’ of cultural categories, which can often leave people stuck between two or more intersecting or conflicting social categories.” (Kings 68)

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“Ecofeminism lacks a black woman’s standpoint and focuses on white women’s oppression. The ecofeminist movement, like the mainstream environmental movement has been mainly white and middle class dominated and lacks intersectionality.” (Cain)

We were introduced to Majora Carter in a Ted Talk titled Greening The Ghetto. She spoke of how black people were twice as likely to live in areas where there are greater risks to their health such as areas where pollution is greater. She also mentioned that black people are five times more likely to live within walking distance of a power plant or chemical factory (Carter). Majora Carter is working on greening up the South Bronx. She has already begun her work to create more green space. Being a black woman, who grew up poor, and in an environmentally degraded area of New York City, she represents more of a real look of how she intersects with class, gender,  and race. “Black women of degraded communities are “the waste products of capitalist production and excessive consumption,” and at the front lines of environmental degradation”(Cain).

There is a great quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. wherein he stated; “No one is free until we are all free.” This is a true statement under the guise of intersectionality. We cannot become one until all life forms and beings are represented. Intersectionality reminds us that there are life forms in every area that are oppressed under various dominant groups. Audre Lorde does a wonderful job in defining oppression in America in her quote;  “Somewhere, on the edge of consciousness, there is what I call a mythical norm, which each one of us within our hearts knows “that is not me.” In america, this norm is usually defined as white, thin, male, young, heterosexual, christian, and financially secure. It is with this mythical norm that the trappings of power reside within this society. Those of us who stand outside that power often identify one way in which we are different, and we assume that to be the primary cause of all oppression, forgetting other distortions around difference, some of which we ourselves may be practicing.”

― Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches


Cain , Cacildia. “The Necessity of Black Women’s Standpoint and Intersectionality in Environmental Movements.” ,
Carter, Majora. “Greening the Ghetto .” ,
Kings, A.e. “Intersectionality and the Changing Face of Ecofeminism.” Ethics and the Environment, vol. 22, no. 1, 2017, p. 63., doi:10.2979/ethicsenviro.22.1.04.
“Standing up for Trees.”,
Tatum, Beverly Daniel. Complexity of Identity Who Am I?

“The Intersectionality Wars.”,

Annotated Bibliography; 

Kimberlé Crenshaw graduated with a law degree in 1984 from Harvard Law. She is a professor of law at UCLA and Columbia Law School. She has published quite a few journals on the subjects of intersectionality, racism, law, and civil rights. All of which have been published in the Harvard Law Review, National Black Law Journal, Stanford Law Review and Southern California Law Review. She is well known for coining the terms “intersectionality and Critical Race Theory.” Crenshaw has been honored for her work in feminism, law, and civil rights by many prestigious universities, magazines and organizations. When people think of the term “intersectionality” they think of Kimberlé Crenshaw.





Women, The Government and Environmentalism

This week’s reading by Kari Norgaard and Richard York, introduced us to the concept of environmentalism, the government, and gender equality. It was a concept I never really put together until now. The environment is a hot topic around the world, especially in political arenas. Many world leaders are ultra focused on climate policies and how to implement the best plans to help cut back their total emissions and reduce their carbon footprint. According to Norgaard and York, women who hold political office tend to be more proactive about environmental issues. I found this claim to be true as I began doing my own independent research.

Jacinda Ardern New Zealand’s Prime Minister

Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister for New Zealand is very passionate about climate control issues. Ardern has called the climate emergency her generation’s “nuclear free moment” and made tackling it a priority for her coalition government.”(AingeRoy) The New Zealand government is taking large steps toward reducing their emissions drastically by 2050. They have committed to planting a billion trees, implemented strict policies for farmers to reduce their emissions or face extremely high taxes, and putting a cap on the number of cows that dairy’s can have. New Zealand’ Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is currently ranked number 17 in the world by the UN. Ardern is pushing for net zero emissions by 2050, from watching her speak, it appears as though she is passionate about seeing that come to fruition.

The information about New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern falls in line with York and Norgaard’s findings. Their research suggests that “nations with greater gender equality may be more prone to protecting the environment.” We see this with New Zealand, Denmark, Germany and Norway. “Women tend to take environmental risks like nuclear power or toxic substances more serious than men do.” (Norgaard & York 508). It’s not surprising that women tend to think more along the lines of environmental protection. Women have been conditioned by society to be nurturers and caregivers. Given that it would be natural that women would be more concerned about the air they breathe or the water their children drink and so on.  

Denmark’s prime minister Mette Fredriksen

     The Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen, is another woman who is leading her country on the road to reducing their emissions. Her pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2050 is laid out in an 18 page agreement titled “a fair direction for Denmark.” In this agreement she pledges to cut the sale of new diesel and petrol cars by 2030. “As it is, Denmark reached an emissions reduction of 35% in 2018” (Stam June 2019). Denmark’s EPI score is 3rd in the world according to 2018 data by the Environmental Performance Index.

     In 1990, the “UN estimated that in order for women to influence key outcomes and be taken seriously, a threshold of 30% of women in parliament was required. As of 1999, only 8 of the 130 nations met this threshold.” Those nations included Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, South Africa, Germany, Iceland, Norway and Sweden (Norgaard & York 514). These numbers have increased since 1999. Below is a graph showing the number of seats held by women in across various national Parliaments. In 2018, Sweden had the leading number of women in its Parliament reporting at 47%.  Sweden ranks number 5 in the world on their EPI. Despite the fact that their leader is a male, they have a large number of female members in their Parliament. (click on graph to view)





Norgaard and York posits that “gender equality and environmental concern are linked to the relationship between gender and the environment. ” Their study suggests that “societies that are less sexist are more environmentally responsible.” They mention further that a country like Singapore for example has a very low number of women in Parliament. As such, their environmental record is poor, ” holding one of the 10 worst environmental records in the world” (Norgaard & York).

     It’s a shame that the United States still has a disproportionate numbers of women in high ranking government positions. Women make up only 26% in the Senate and 23% in the House. The United States has an EPI score of 27 as of 2018. That number is not likely to rise with Trump in office. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is very vocal about climate change and is trying to come up with ways to cut emissions in the U.S. You can view her speech here; This is further proof that women take on the challenge of environmental issues in a big way. “The youngest woman to be ever elected to congress, and an example of a millennial in power, AOC has been using her political position to draw attention to social and environmental issues as well as women’s rights and equality. Her work on and in promoting the Green New Deal in the U.S. has made her the voice of climate change concern in a political environment heavily criticised for climate change denial” (Wyns, A). AOC has moxy, she isn’t afraid to fight for what she believes in. With more women like her in the American government, we may have a chance for equality. 

It’s important that nations begin to equal out the number of men and women in high ranking government offices. It’s imperative for gender equality. It’s not only important for equality, but for our planet.  We need an equal balance for equality. When one class has more power than another, oppression occurs. Environmental organizations like WEDO can help create awareness and empowerment among women to join the environmental fight. The more empowered women feel the more apt they are to get involved in government, to enact policy change. We saw this happen in congress in 2018 Trump’s election.

Annotated Bibliography  Eleanor AingeRoy is a journalist for the Guardian. She graduated from the University or Technology in Sydney. She was a freelance journalist prior to becoming a full-time writer for the Guardian. She is only 25, but tackles some very heavy story lines including covering the current Covid-19 outbreak in New Zealand.


Ainge, E., Climate change to steer all New Zealand government decisions from now on, 12/2019, accessed 3/22/2020.

Davidson, J. AOC Reads the Green New Deal Into the Congressional Record 2/27/20, accessed 3/21/2020


EU Stats, Women in EU parliament and governments


Norgaard, Kari and Richard York. “Gender Equality and State Environmentalism.” Gender and Society August 2005: 506-522.

McDonald, J. New Zealand Takes the Lead on Climate Change, The Diplomat, 11/2019, accessed 3/22/2020.

Stay, C. New Danish government puts climate change centre stage, 6/2019, accessed 3/21/2020




Abortion and Ecology

This blog is particularly difficult for me to write this week. As I sit here in Germany writing this my daughter is laying in a hospital bed 3,800 miles away in the midst of a very painful miscarriage at 10 weeks of pregnancy. There’s nothing I can do to comfort her, I feel completely helpless. I am only able to comfort her by telephone while she attempts to pass my dead grandchild. It’s heartbreaking and hearing the pain in her voice is almost too much for me to bear.

Even at this moment where I feel sorrow and deep sadness for my daughter and the grandchild I will never meet, I am still pro choice. I believe in allowing women to have the final say over their own bodies. I believe we should support Planned Parenthood and the rights of women everywhere to have safe abortions. It is my opinion, that a fetus which is unable to survive on its own outside of its host/mother is not a viable human and therefore does not have rights above the mother’s. I would consider my views on abortion to be moderate. I believe that there is a moral break in the biological process of development.

My Own Experience;
I became pregnant at the age of eighteen. I considered abortion, because at that time I was young and in an unhealthy relationship. Ultimately, I couldn’t go through with it and opted to give birth to my son. Subsequently, I went on to have two more children with the same man who became my husband. I don’t regret having my children for one second, even though that relationship ended after thirteen years in a painful divorce. Fast forward thirty one years and my life is great. I’ve had success and failure, but I have three amazing children, of whom I’m immensely proud.

The topic of abortion is a tough one and un-winnable. Neither side of the argument will concede to the other. The position of one side vs the other are totally different. The pro-lifers believe that abortion is morally wrong based on a religious, moral or ethical belief. The pro-choicer’s believe that women should be able to choose what is best for them and their bodies. Then in the middle are those who are on the fence because they can see both sides. The debate isn’t cut and dry, you have women all over the globe without access to healthcare, contraception, and abortion services. These women are subject to struggle with having to care for multiple children.

Abortion and the Environment;  Ronnie Hawkins, author of Reproductive Choices, brings up the connection between abortion and the environment. “1.2 billion people live in poverty around the world, women bear a larger share of the burden of poverty” (Hawkins 690). Based on this fact, women would naturally seek to limit the size of their families, but in areas of the global south, how do they do that? Women in third world countries lack access to resources for women’s healthcare services.

Hawkins also brings up a good point about the land use in an over populated world. The more people that inhabit the Earth, the more resources they use up, depleting resources on a more rapid basis. This makes complete sense to me considering that by 2100 the population of the world is expected to reach 11.2 billion ( The world is in bad shape as it is with global warming, polluted oceans, unhealthy air quality, toxic water and fish. How will 11.2 billion humans survive on a planet that’s too hot and polluted? The wealthier nations may take a different view on this, but in looking at it in terms of ecology, it seems that population control might be a good place to start. Safe, legal, and accessible abortions will save the lives of women all over the world. There will always be a need for abortion and if we don’t provide safe ways to obtain them, women will seek illegal abortions which can lead to death. 

During the 1920’s to the 1960’s, before the legalization of abortion in 1973, women resorted to illegal abortions at the cost of their lives or reproductive health. Women in parts of the United States would seek underground abortions by doctors who used Lysol to perform them. “Lysol advertised their product as an effective form of birth control, advising women to douche with it in diluted form after sex, thus powerfully linking the product to the notion of family planning” (Flanagan). Women would seek out these abortion doctors where they would receive an injection into their uterus of Lysol to remove the pregnancy. Women would end up in the emergency room on the brink of death with organ failure caused by Lysol. These stories are why Planned Parenthood and other organizations geared toward helping women are crucial. “It was illegal to advertise contraception nationally before 1977, so the Lysol ads performed a coy bit of misdirection—they said that if women didn’t douche after sex, they would lose their “dainty,” or “feminine,” or “youthful” appeal” (Flanagan).

What About The Children?
2.9 million cases of child abuse are reported in the United States. Five children suffer abuse related deaths everyday (  I can’t help but wonder what that number would look like if more women had access to affordable, legal abortions. For too long women have not been equal and this is one more example of patriarchal control. The right to abortion simply means that women have rights over their own body. While I am no proponent of using abortion as birth control, I do support a woman’s right to make decisions that are in her and her body’s best interest. The opposers are not going to raise these children or financially provide for them, to me the more responsible choice for some women is abortion.

annotated bibliography; 

Caitlin Flanagan is an author who contributors to the Atlantic magazine an east coast magazine. She was born and raised in Berkeley, California and attended the University of Virginia. She authored To Hell with All That—an exploration, based on her Atlantic articles, of the lives of modern women. Some of her work includes; extended book reviews about conflicts of modern life—by professional women.

Works cited;

11 Facts About Child Abuse,

Flanagan, C., The Dishonesty of the Abortion Debate, The Atlantic Magazine, Dec. 2019 Issue

Gordon, j., The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,

Hawkins, Ronnie Zoe. “Reproductive Choices: The Ecological Dimension.” Contradictions: Controversies in Feminist Social Ethics. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1993. 690-693.

Valentin, J., Abortion isn’t about the right to privacy. It’s about women’s right to equality, Tue 14 Oct. 2014,







Women-Nature Association

This week we investigate the connection between the sexualization of non-human animals and women. Carol Adams, author of The Sexual Politics of Meat draws a direct connection between men, patriarchy, and the treatment of women. This is achieved through advertising. “Violence against people and animals is interdependent, caring about both is required” (Adams). We see the sexualization of women in connection with meat. The fact that the meat industry appeals to men by using sexualized animals to sell their meat is what Adams refers to as the pornography of meat.

This image shows a pig in thigh high stockings, red heels and a garter belt. She appears to have long lashes as if to imply she’s wearing makeup. Her dress hiked up to show parts of her rump. She has a glass of wine insinuating that she’s approachable and ready for whatever comes next. This is obviously a sexualized photograph. She is supposed to be appealing to catch a man’s eye. This is a ham advertisement, selling ham by sexualizing the pig on the advertisement. This is an example of what Adams calls; “Anthropornography gives you a hooker on your plate. Nonhuman animals are whoring for you. Nonhumans want you, too. Suffering? Slaughtering? Inhumane acts? No. They want it.” This is begging the proposition of “eat me” and because the pig is female, it’s directly connecting the non-human animals to a human female. This perpetuates ongoing patriarchy. This is aimed at getting a man’s attention.
I chose this image to point out how advertisers use food to manipulate people to buy meat. This advertisement for example says Tofu it’s Schwules Fleisch, which translates to (tofu is gay meat) in German. This is directly connecting tofu to homosexuality. The fact that this advertisement makes a connection with someone’s sexuality is troublesome to me. This is an example of gendered food. By insinuating that eating tofu is gay, effeminate, or unmanly, it must be a feminine food, made for women and not for men.

This image is pretty blatant, it comes right out with the sexualized message. The hamburger has female legs with red heels which has always been associated with sex. The message is clearly insinuating sex. This could create arousal or plant the seed of sex in a man’s mind. It is associated with meat, and women, it directly connects the two. “These images are part of the structure of our culture, we fail to notice that consumable animals are invariably portrayed as feminine, as sexual, as available to men, just like female humans” (Adams).
This is a PETA advertisement. Its intention is to draw similarities between humans and meat. Because PETA is focused more on animals rights than women’s rights, it’s reinforcing the objectification and consumption of women.  In this advertisement “PETA sacrifices women’s rights for animal rights” (Florio).

This picture is analogous to the the PETA photo of Pamela Anderson. This image shows the non-human animal sectioned off in cuts of beef, just like the photo above does with Ms. Anderson. This directly connects humans and meat sources. Begging the question that if you consume one animal, what is the difference in consuming all?

Adams wants us to understand that non-human animals and animals are intersected. We are a society that sexualizes our foods, genderizes our foods, and normalizes violence by hunting for our food. If we really look closely at factory farms, and the mass killings that are carried out, there’s little difference from what Hitler did in the concentration camps. Holding mass amounts of “beings” waiting to be slaughtered. Society has conditioned us to dehumanize meat and look at it as just food. Not as a being that was alive, breathing and felt fear and pain when being killed. We have removed the emotion from our meat consumption, therefore we have allowed ourselves to be complacent with a genocidal type of activity.

Finally, eating meat can be a healthy practice for humans. “Let’s not forget that many non-human animals are omnivores too” (Florio). “The fact that women are compared to animals that will be butchered and consumed, suggests that women should serve as subservient members of society, “ for the pleasure of men. (Florio)

“Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and think; “They’re only animals”(Adams).

Adams, Carol J. “The Politics of Carol J. Adams.” Antennae. Annie Potts. Ed. Glovanni Alol. 2009. 12-24.

Florio, Angelica. “The Sexualization of Meat What It Means to Be an ‘Ass Man.’” Cipher Magazine

Kemmerer, Lisa. “The Pornography of Meat By Carol Adams.” Philosophy Now (2006).

Annotated Bibliography; 

Angelica Florio is a freelance writer who has published articles in several magazines and publications. Her article in Cipher magazine is directly related to this weeks topic of non-human animals and women. She references Adams in her writing and brings up some good connections on the topic. Florio writes about the media and  its power and influence on our culture. She has published articles in Playboy, Glamour, Vox and Hellogiggle to name just a few.