My name is Tonya Mulholland, I’m a returning student and in my second semester at UMassD. I’m a WGS major. I currently live and work in East Germany. I teach English to business professionals. Since moving abroad, my husband and I have been to 40 of the 44 countries in Europe. We are hoping to hit a few more before returning to the states mid summer.
One of the blog sites that I connected to was AdiosBarbie. An article written by Jennifer Landis titled: The “F-Word” I don’t use around my daughter- it’s not what you think. She writes about how damaging the word “fat” is when describing ourselves or others in front of our young impressionable children. It struck a chord with me because my mother was obsessed with her weight my entire life. She often told me things like “too much chips makes too much Tonya”. That message definitely played a role in my own obsession about my weight as a young adult.
Once I had my own children I made the conscious decision not to use weight to define myself, others, or them. Unfortunately they still got negative body image messages from their peers and the media, but in our home they were loved and respected despite how they looked. My Mother is still obsessed about weight and still compares herself and others according to their body size. It’s a shallow dangerous trait that perpetuates unhealthy eating and can lead to psychological scarring, as well as eating disorders. The Adios Barbie blog spreads body positivity and acceptance.
The city that I live in Germany has been voted the greenest city in the state in which its located. They are very big on recycling and reducing their carbon footprint as much as possible. Climate change and global warming are key issues that are at the forefront among city officials in Halle. Student have also made it their mission to bring the issue of climate change into the public eye. Two Friday’s per month kids from the middle schools, high schools and universities leave school and march for climate change awareness. They call their movement “Friday’s for future”. They are peaceful demonstrators who march with messages advocating for change in how lawmakers look at and deal with climate issues.
Back in October 2019, our city’s Mayor (Burgermeister) led the city on a hike into the woods where a few hundred people planted new trees. The issue of global warming and climate change is a big subject of focus among city leaders in Halle Saale Germany.